Frequency Symbol Necklace


SKU: ESS-NEC-1050 Categories: , , , ,


Embrace the rhythm of the universe with this exquisite 22k gold necklace featuring the captivating frequency symbol. This delicate pendant, shimmering with the warmth of pure gold, acts as a constant reminder to align with the unseen forces that guide your life.

In a general sense, the frequency symbol represents the idea of being tuned into the rhythm of the universe. It signifies aligning with natural cycles, vibrations, and energies that influence our lives. Wearing this symbol can be seen as a way to invite balance, harmony, and a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves.The symbol can also represent an individual’s unique frequency, the specific energy signature that makes them who they are. It’s a reminder to tune into one’s own inner rhythm, strengths, and talents, and to live authentically.

In many spiritual traditions, the frequency symbol is associated with meditation, mindfulness, and tapping into higher states of consciousness. It can be a reminder to quiet the mind, connect with the divine, and experience inner peace.

Overall, the frequency symbol is a powerful reminder to connect with yourself, the universe, and the unseen forces that guide us. It’s a symbol of harmony, balance, and the unique song each of us sings in the grand symphony of life.

Attract harmony and balance, embrace your unique vibration and unleash the hidden power within.

Our Promise: With every piece sold a portion of the proceeds goes to a local women’s shelter.